This work was focused on the investigation of the mechanical properties of the ACM87 composite when subjected to a large strain. Simple tension, simple shear, simple compression, and volumetric compression tests were performed using a universal testing machine. Various strain rates were used. The material data necessary for the identification of the parameters of a finite-strain viscoelastic constitutive model, such as the Bergstrom-Boyce model, were obtained. Keywords: cork, rubber, particle composite, Bergstrom-Boyce model, viscoelastic, large strain Delo je usmerjeno v preiskavo mehanskih lastnosti kompozita ACM87, ki je bil izpostavljen veliki obremenitvi. Na univerzalnem preizku{evalnem stroju so bili izvr{eni natezni, stri`ni, tla~ni in volumetri~ni tla~ni preizkusi. Uporabljene so bile razli~ne hitrosti obremenjevanja. Dobljeni so bili podatki o materialu, ki so potrebni za postavitev parametrov konstitutivnega viskoelasti~nega modela kon~ne obremenitve, kot je Bergstrom-Boycev model. Klju~ne besede: pluta, guma, kompozitni delec, Bergstrom-Boycev model, viskoelasti~nost, velika obremenitev