INTRODUCTIONThe approach of airway has evolved greatly in recent times since development of endotracheal intubation by Mc Evan in 1880 to present day use of modern supraglottic airway. The tracheal intubation requires skill and continuous training and practice and usually requires direct laryngoscopy, which may cause laryngopharyngeal lesions. It also produces reflex sympathetic stimulation and is associated with raised levels of plasma catecholamine, hypertension, tachycardia and myocardial ischemia, depression of myocardial contractility, ventricular arrhythmias and intracranial hypertension. Supraglottic airway devices have been widely used as an alternative to tracheal intubation during general anaesthesia both in adults and children. The first successful supraglottic airway device -laryngeal mask airway (LMA) classic, an inflatable supraglottic airway device became available in 1981.2 I-gel is the most recent development in supraglottic airway devices. It is made of ABSTRACT Background: Supraglottic airway devices have been widely used as an alternative to tracheal intubation during general anesthesia both in adults and children. This study was carried out to compare classical laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and i-gel, regarding ease of insertion, adequate placement of device, ability to maintain ETCO 2 and SPO 2 , perioperative hemodynamic parameters and intra operative and postoperative complication. Methods: This prospective, randomized clinical study was done on 100 patients of either sex, age between 5 to 60 years, ASA grade I-III who underwent different surgical procedures under general anesthesia in supine position. After giving premedication, induction of anesthesia was done with inj. Propofol 2-3 mg/kg and inj. Succnylcoline 1.5-2 mg/kg. In "sniffing air" position, airway was secured with either LMA or i-gel. An effective placement of device was checked by a square wave capnography, normal chest expansion, SPO 2 >95%, and absence of audible leak. Patients were observed for time and ease of insertion, number of attempts, perioperative hemodynamic changes and complications. Results: No statistically significant difference was reported between both the groups, regarding heart rate, BP, SPO 2 and ETCO 2 . Duration of insertion was more in group LMA. Insertion was easy and was possible in first attempt in 88% of patients without much manipulation in group i-gel. Conclusions: I-gel is a better alternative supraglottic airway device than LMA in view of ease of insertion with minimal manipulations and minimal complications. Hemodynamic parameters, SPO 2 and ETCO 2 were maintained in both the groups.