Immunosuppressive viral diseases threaten the poultry industry by causing heavy mortality and economic loss of production, often as a result of the chickens' increased susceptibility to secondary infections and sub-optimal response to vaccinations. This paper aimed to present an up-to-date review of three specific economically important non-oncogenic immunosuppressive viral diseases of chickens, viz. chicken infectious anaemia (CIA), infectious bursal disease (IBD) and hydropericardium syndrome (HPS), with emphasis on their immunosuppressive effects. CIA and IBD causes immunosuppression in chickens and the socio-economic significance of these diseases is considerable worldwide. CIA occurs following transovarian transmission of chicken anaemia virus and has potential for inducing immunosuppression alone or in combination with other infectious agents, and is characterized by generalized lymphoid atrophy, increased mortality and severe anemia. The virus replicates in erythroid and lymphoid progenitor cells, causing inapparent, sub-clinical infections that lead to depletion of these cells with consequent immunosuppressive effects. The IBD virus replicates extensively in IgM(+) cells of the bursa and chickens may die during the acute phase of the disease, although IBD virus-induced mortality is highly variable and depends, among other factors, upon the virulence of the virus strain. The sub-clinical form is more common than clinical IBD because of regular vaccination on breeding farms. Infection at an early age significantly compromises the humoral and local immune responses of chickens because of the direct effect of B cells or their precursors. HPS is a recently emerged immunosuppressive disease of 3-6-weeked broilers, characterized by sudden onset, high mortality, typical hydropericardium and enlarged mottled and friable livers, with intranuclear inclusion bodies in the hepatocytes. The agent, fowl adenovirus-4, causes immunosuppression by damaging lymphoid tissues; the presence of IBD and CIA viruses may predispose for HPS or HPS may predispose for other viral infections. Synergism with CIA or other virus infections or prior immunosuppression is necessary to produce IBH-HPS in chickens and the susceptibility of chickens infected with fowl adenovirus varies throughout the course of CIA infection. The mechanism of immunosuppression has been studied in detail for certain chicken viruses at molecular levels, which will provides new opportunities to control these diseases by vaccination.