A lcohol-use disorders (AUDs) encompass a spectrum of disorders, including excessive use, abuse, dependence, and addiction. Abuse occurs when a patient experiences adverse socioeconomic or health consequences related to the use of the substance. 1 Dependence is present either when the patient experiences withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation of the substance or when larger amounts are necessary to achieve the desired effect. 1 Addiction is indicated by the patient experiencing a compulsive craving for a substance. 1 At any one time, a patient may have more than one of these disorders simultaneously present. The National Institutes of Health 2 have put forth guidelines that quantify excessive and unhealthy use of alcohol; a level of use above this threshold increases a patient's risk for health problems. 3 Men aged Յ 65 years who consume more than four standard drinks in a typical day or . 14 standard drinks in a typical week have excessive and unhealthy alcohol consumption. These volumes are halved for women of all ages and men aged .