Incomplete knowledge of the longitudinal relaxation time constant (T 1 )l eads to incorrect assumptions in quantitative kinetic models of cellular systems,s tudied by hyperpolarized real-time NMR. Using an assayt hat measures the intracellular signal of small carboxylic acids in living cells,the intracellular T 1 of the carboxylic acid moiety of acetate,k etoisocaproate,p yruvate,a nd butyrate was determined. The intracellular T 1 is shown to be up to four-fold shorter than the extracellular T 1 .S uch al arge difference in T 1 values between the inside and the outside of the cell has significant influence on the quantification of intracellular metabolic activity.I ti se xpected that the significantly shorter T 1 value of the carboxylic moieties inside cells is ar esult of macromolecular crowding.A na rtificial cytosol has been prepared and applied to predict the T 1 of other carboxylic acids.W e demonstrate the value of this prediction tool.Biology is governed by dynamic changes across multiple distance-and time-scales.I nt urn, an impressive number of biological activities execute and respond to such dynamic changes in ah ighly organized and intricately regulated manner.T os tudy such activities in am eaningful context, we require methods that allow us to directly assess functional characteristics in the physiological environments. [1] NMR spectroscopy is an on-disruptive and quantitative analytical tool, in which NMR signal intensities reflect the absolute concentrations of molecules.T ime-dependent changes of these signals provide quantitative information about the processes acting on NMR-visible components.The underlying rationale of real-time NMR approaches for monitoring metabolic processes is to detect the chemical conversions of supplied isotope-labeled compounds through changes of their spectral properties and the NMR signatures of their transformation. [2] While sensitivity remains achallenge for conventional NMR spectroscopy,r eal-time NMR using dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) is particularly wellsuited for metabolic studies. [3] With this technique,the utility of NMR is broadened by an increase of sensitivity of many orders of magnitude obtained by ex situ hyperpolarization. While individual NMR signatures of chemical entities (CE) are readily obtained, the measured signals are,h owever, functions of the CE concentration and aC Es pecific relaxation time constant that is dependent on the chemical and physical environment in which the CE is measured. If this relaxation time constant (spin lattice, T 1 )isknown, real-time NMR using dDNP is as trong method for the in situ quantification of metabolic reactions with complex kinetics. Herein, we measure the intracellular T 1 of small carboxylic acids in living cells and demonstrate an experimental prediction tool for the intracellular T 1 that allows the data fitting of complex kinetics.Acellular system for the simultaneous detection of intraand extracellular CE acted as abasis for data modeling of the intracellular T 1 . [4] (Supporting In...