The hadroproduction experiments HARP and NA61 (SHINE) as well as their implications for neutrino physics are discussed. Recent HARP measurements have already been used for precise predictions of neutrino beams in K2K and MiniBooNE/SciBooNE experiments and are also being used to improve the atmospheric neutrino flux predictions and to help in the optimization of neutrino factory and super-beam designs. First preliminary data from NA61 are of significant importance for a precise prediction of a new neutrino beam at J-PARC to be used for the first stage of the T2K experiment. Both HARP and NA61 provide a large amount of input for validation and tuning of hadroproduction models in Monte-Carlo generators.
THE HARP EXPERIMENTThe HARP experiment [1, 2] at the CERN PS was designed to make measurements of hadron yields from a large range of nuclear targets and for incident particle momenta from 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c. The main motivations are the measurement of pion yields for a quantitative design of the proton driver of a future neutrino factory [3], a substantial improvement in the calculation of the atmospheric neutrino flux [4] and the measurement of particle yields as input for the flux calculation of accelerator neutrino experiments, such as K2K [5,6], MiniBooNE [7] and SciBooNE [8]. In addition to these specific aims, the data provided by HARP are valuable for validating hadron production models used in simulation programs.To provide a large angular and momentum coverage of the produced charged particles the HARP experiment makes use of a large-acceptance spectrometer consisting of a forward and large-angle detection system. A detailed description of the experimental apparatus can be found in Ref [2]. The forward spectrometer -based on large area drift chambers [9] and a dipole magnet complemented by a set of detectors for particle identification (PID): a time-offlight wall [10] (TOFW), a large Cherenkov detector (CHE) and an electromagnetic calorimeter -covers polar angles up to 250 mrad which is well matched to the angular range of interest for the measurement of hadron production to calculate the properties of conventional neutrino beams. The large-angle spectrometer -based on a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) located inside a solenoidal magnet -has a large acceptance in the momentum and angular range for the pions relevant to the production of the muons in a neutrino factory. It covers the large majority of the pions accepted in the focusing system of a typical design. The neutrino beam of a neutrino factory originates from the decay of muons which are in turn the decay products of pions.A large amount of data collected by the HARP experiment with thin (5% of nuclear interaction length, Aj) and