The dissociation reactions of [M ϩ H] ϩ , [M ϩ Na] ϩ , and [M ϩ Cu] ϩ ions of bradykinin (amino acid sequence RPPGFSPFR) and three bradykinin analogues (RPPGF, RPPGFSPF, PPGF-SPFR) are examined by using 193-nm photodissociation and post-source decay (PSD) TOF-TOF-MS techniques. The photodissociation apparatus is equipped with a biased activation cell, which allows us to detect fragment ions that are formed by dissociation of short-lived (Ͻ1 s) photo-excited ions. In our previously reported photodissociation studies, the fragment ions were formed from ions dissociating with lifetimes that exceeded 10 s; thus these earlier photofragment ion spectra and post-source decay (PSD) spectra [composite of both metastable ion (MI) and collision-induced dissociation (CID)] were quite similar. On the other hand, short-lived photo-excited ions dissociate by simple bond cleavage reactions and other high-energy dissociation channels. We also show that product ion types and abundances vary with the location of the charge on the peptide ion. For example, H ϩ and Na ϩ cations can bind to multiple polar functional groups (basic amino acid side chains) of the peptide, whereas Cu ϩ ions preferentially bind to the guanidino group of the arginine side-chain and the N-terminal amine group. Furthermore, when Cu ϩ is the charge carrier, the abundances of non-sequence informative ions, especially loss of small neutral molecules (H 2 O and NH 3 ) is decreased for both photofragment ion and PSD spectra relative to that observed for [ [3] have revolutionized the analysis of biomolecules by mass spectrometry (MS) techniques. Identification of proteins by using "bottom-up" MS techniques, i.e., enzymatic digestion of proteins or protein mixtures followed by peptide mass fingerprinting and database searching [4,5], is now routine, and de novo sequencing [6] and determination of post-translational modifications using tandem mass spectrometry techniques is now commonly practiced in many laboratories. The major factor that complicates peptide structure determination is that the types of fragment ions observed in a tandem mass spectrum are related to the intrinsic properties of the gas-phase peptide ion [7], the activation method used, and the timeframe for probing unimolecular dissociation products [8,9]. For example, utilizing only the internal energy acquired during desorption/ionization and a relatively long fragmentation timescale [ϳ10 s, as in post-source decay (PSD) experiments] favors product ions formed via the lowest energy channels [10], i.e., b i -and y i -type fragments [11,12]. As we showed previously, the observed fragment ions and their relative abundances change significantly if the timescale of the experiment is altered [13].Collisional activation of gas-phase peptide ions with a neutral gas (eV to several keV collision energies) can be employed to increase the internal energy of the ions and, thereby, enhance the abundances of sequence informative fragment ions; however, the resulting spectra also contain large numbers of non-se...