Aims. The main aim of this work is to study the evolution of the recently introduced relative helicity of the magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL) in a magnetohydrodynamics simulation.
Methods. The simulation used is a typical flux emergence simulation in which there is additionally an oblique, pre-existing magnetic field. The interaction of the emerging and ambient fields produces intense coronal activity, with four jets standing out. The 3D magnetic field allows us to compute various energies and helicities, and to study their evolution during the simulation, especially around the identified jets. We examine the evolution of all quantities in three different regions: in the whole volume, in three separate subvolumes of the whole volume, and in a 2D region around the PIL on the photosphere.
Results. We find that the helicities are in general more responsive to the jets, followed by the free energy. The eruptivity index, the ratio of the current-carrying helicity to the relative helicity, does not show the typical behaviour it has in other cases, as its variations do not follow the production of the jets. By considering the subvolumes we find that the magnetic field gets more potential and less helical with height. The PIL relative helicity confirms the recent results it showed in observed active regions, exhibiting stronger variations during the jets compared to the standard relative helicity. Moreover, the current-carrying helicity around the PIL has a similar behaviour to the PIL relative helicity, and so this quantity could be equally useful in solar eruptivity studies.