Purpose: Benefits is one of the theories of Islamic law which is used as a method of istiṣlâḥi ijtihad in resolving contemporary problems. Ijtihad is carried out collectively (ijtihad jama'i) from various multi-scientific disciplines. The product of ijtihad is not something final because being tolerant and open is one of the principles and characteristics of ijtihad, not viewing the results of ijtihad as the most correct and ready to be corrected by a stronger opinion, so that progressive law also gets space to become an optic for one of the theories of Islamic law, namely benefit which is part of istiṣlâḥi ijtihad.
Method: In Islamic law there are two theories law that is normativity and adaptability. Normativity Islamic law, the Koran and As-Sunnah became source final law, temporary adaptability accommodated in ijtihad as method. Adaptability theory this is very dynamic.
Results and Conclusion: In Fatwa products found dynamics construction benefit thinking Islamic law is good manhaj nor product The law is both not rigid. Dynamics are also visible in collective ijtihad Muslim scholars against problems laws that are not indicated by two sources Islamic law, namely the Koran and As-Sunnah, the method used with use based reasoning on benefit after qiyas. Problem thinking Islamic law aside use theory benefit or istiṣlâḥ or maṣlaḥah Murlah also uses theory iṣtiḥsan and saddu al- ẓarî'ah.
Implications of the Research: Three theory above construction benefit Islamic law became dynamic capable solve contemporary problems Because also designated “illat” (causa logical) as one manhaj that law That always process and because that's also the law changed in accordance with situation and condition.
Originality/Value: Construction thinking Islamic law to front in perspective law progressive is values justice, expediency, and adopting IT, as well certainty law. Problem anthropocentric is right man For Paying close attention to the empirical world is highly appreciated where to meet the benefit is there God's law. Meeting between construction benefit thinking Islamic law in perspective law progressive, both have the same purpose that is create benefit. With so, no There is dichotomy between both of them. As theory new science law, that is theory benefit integrative.