“…where CL int,sec is the intrinsic urinary secretion clearance; PS r,inf and PS r,eff are the intrinsic renal clearance via influx into and efflux out of renal cells, respectively; PS urine is the intrinsic efflux clearance from renal cells to the urinary lumen; PS r,dif,inf and PS r,dif,eff are the intrinsic passive clearance via influx into and efflux out of renal cells, respectively; PS urine,dif,inf and PS urine,dif,eff are the intrinsic passive clearance via influx into cells from the urinary lumen and efflux out of cells to the urinary lumen; R MATE/dif is the ratio of the intrinsic clearance of MATEs to the intrinsic passive diffusion clearance via efflux out of cells to the urinary lumen; γ r and γ urine are the passive influx-to-efflux ratio on the basolateral and luminal sides, respectively; λ is the ratio of passive diffusion for the ionized form to that for the unionized form; f o,union and f o,ion are the extracellular fractions of the unionized and ionized forms, respectively; f i,union and f i,ion are the intracellular fractions of the unionized and ionized forms, respectively; β kidney is a hybrid parameter reflective of the major rate-limiting steps of C Lint,sec Metformin (pKa of 12.3) exists mainly ionized at physiological pHs (thus, f o,union = f i,union = 0 and f o,ion = f i,ion = 1), and γ r and γ urine were calculated using the Nernst equation. 29 Passive diffusion clearances of each compartment in the kidney were calculated using permeability measured in a parallel artificial membrane permeability assay system, 30 surface area, γ r , and γ urine (Table S3). 29,31 Optimization of model parameters.…”