The choice of diagnostic methods for respiratory virus infections depends on the type and location of the laboratory, the number of specimens tested, and the previous experience of the laboratory. Virus culture, whenever possible, should be the basic diagnostic method; the results, including identification of the virus, should be available no more than 24 h later than the results of rapid diagnostic tests. In small laboratories, especially in hospitals where specimen transportation is well organized, immunofluorescence may be the best choice for antigen detection with the provision that an experienced microscopist and a good UV microscope are available. If the laboratory receives a large number of specimens and has previous experience with EIAs, then biotin-EIAs or TR-FIAs may be the most practical techniques. Their advantages include the stability of the antigens in clinical samples since intact, exfoliated epithelial cells are not required, treatment of specimens is practical, testing of large numbers of specimens is possible, and reading the printed test result is less subjective than reading fluorescence microscopy. The larger role of PCR in the diagnosis of respiratory virus infections depends on future developments such as practical methods to extract DNA or RNA and to purify the extracts from nonspecific inhibitors, plus further improvements to minimize cross-contamination. Group-specific detection of enteroviruses and rhinoviruses is an example of the potential for PCR technology. In experienced laboratories. EIA IgG antibody tests should be available. Recombinant antigens may be a useful part of such assays.