Abstract. Macrobrachium ohione is a migratory (amphidromous) river shrimp (Decapoda, Caridea) that may be parasitized by the branchial parasite Probopyrus pandalicola (Isopoda, Bopyridae). The parasite disrupts gonadal maturation and spawning in female shrimps, resulting in the total loss of reproduction. Shrimps are usually infected by bopyrid parasites during the late zoeal or early postlarval stages; in this study, we investigated the apparent parasite infection of adult shrimps. We analyzed the relationships between parasite body size (total length) and host shrimp body size (carapace length) to test the hypothesis that parasite infection of adult shrimps occurs during the shrimps' reproductive migrations. The results presented here indicate that infection of adult shrimps is common in M. ohione in the Atchafalaya and Mississippi Rivers, Louisiana, USA. In the two upriver sites sampled, Butte La Rose (BLR) and River Bend (RB), parasite size was not associated with host body size. In these locations, many parasitized adult M. ohione were infected with immature P. pandalicola (40.3% in BLR and 51.2% in RB), indicating that the shrimps were adults at the time of infection. A possible explanation is that when female shrimps enter the estuary to hatch larvae, they molt and spawn another brood. The smaller male shrimps that accompany the females downstream are also assumed to molt and continue growth. The intermediate host of the parasite is an estuarine copepod, and thus the parasite cryptoniscus larva that infects the host shrimp is primarily estuarine as well. Newly molted shrimps have soft cuticles, which may facilitate their infection by parasite cryptonisci. Our conclusion is that most infections of adult shrimps occur during their migration into estuarine waters, the primary habitat of infective parasite larvae, and that host vulnerability is probably increased following host ecdysis.