The post-translational modification of proteins with polyubiquitin regulates virtually all aspects of cell biology. Eight distinct chain linkage types in polyubiquitin co-exist and are independently regulated in cells. This 'ubiquitin code' determines the fate of the modified protein1. Deubiquitinating enzymes of the Ovarian Tumour (OTU) family regulate cellular signalling by targeting distinct linkage types within polyubiquitin2, and understanding their mechanisms of linkage specificity gives fundamental insights into the ubiquitin system. We here reveal how the deubiquitinase Cezanne/OTUD7B specifically targets Lys11-linked polyubiquitin. Crystal structures of Cezanne alone and in complex with mono-and Lys11-linked diubiquitin, in combination with hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, enable
Accession numbersCoordinates and structure factors have been deposited with the protein data bank accession codes 5LRU (Cez apo), 5LRV (Cez~Lys11 diUb), 5LRW (Cez~Ub) and 5LRX (A20~Ub).Author contribution DK directed the research. TETM performed all biochemical experiments, crystallised and determined the structure of the Cez~Lys11 diUb complex, and refined and analysed all structures. YK crystallised and determined the structure of Cez, Cez~Ub and A20~Ub, and performed preliminary biochemistry. MPCM and FEO designed and generated diUb ABP probes, PPG designed and generated (with BDMvT) diUb based FRET probes, SLM performed HDX-MS, JEB performed preliminary HDX-MS, MG performed TSA assays, PRE, MA and MK helped with data collection and structure determination, SMVF performed NMR analysis, HO guided chemical biology efforts. TETM and DK analysed the data and wrote the manuscript with help from all authors.