cobalt ferrite nanoparticles were used for the detection of
micro- and nanostructured cellulose fibers in a cellulose network.
Since extraction and modification of these fibers from lignocellulosic
plants have undergone a significant increase in efficiency, nowadays
composites containing these materials are a major research line in
academia and industry. A particularly interesting composite in this
context is paper, a nonwoven material where cellulose fibers form
a network which is held together mainly by fiber–fiber interactions.
In this composite, there is a certain fraction of micro- and nanostructured
celluloses present, the so-called fines. Their impact on paper properties
is still under debate, and one of the major factors influencing the
properties, namely, their distribution inside the paper, remains elusive
so far. Here, we present an approach which allows for the detection
of these micro- and nanostructured celluloses in paper sheets by combining
imaging technologies labeling the fine fibers with inorganic nanoparticles.
The addition of these labeled materials during the paper manufacturing
process enables imaging in scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive
X-ray spectroscopy experiments and provides contrast in X-ray microtomography.
Using a combination of these two techniques, the location of the fines
in the paper sheets was evaluated and quantified, pointing at deposition
in pores of the paper as well as at fiber–fiber junctions.
We demonstrate that the tensile indices, air permeability, and the
water retention value of handsheets were not altered by the addition
of labeled fines compared to sheets where nonlabeled fines have been