Ectotherms: species whose internal temperature is dependent on the ambient temperature.Endotherms: species whose internal temperature is fixed and regulated by the organism.Fish: paraphyletic group of fin and gill-bearing aquatic vertebrates. The term is used for convenience and refers usually to the teleosts taxa, but some authors may also include other taxa (e.g. elasmobranchs).Iteroparity: a reproductive strategy with several reproductive events during life, these events possibly occurring in successive years.Life-history strategies: strategies selected by natural selection during evolution allowing species to develop, live, and propagate (e.g. species with a short lifespan and many offspring, like mice, vs long-lived species with a few offspring, like elephants).Life-history traits: traits moulding life-history strategies (e.g. body size, age at maturity, duration of development, number of offspring, lifespan).Marine species: aquatic species living in seas and oceans, as opposed to freshwater species living in rivers, ponds, lakes and so on.Record lifespan: longest duration of life of individuals observed in a species. In most marine species, this age can reflect the age at capture and not the maximal lifespan, i.e. the lifespan of the last survivors.