Introduction: Fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair (FEVAR) is the highest radiation dose procedure performed by vascular surgeons. We sought to characterize the radiation dose to patients and staff during FEVAR procedures with different premanufactured devices. Methods: A single-center prospective study of FEVARs was performed over 24 months. Three FEVAR devices were included: off-the-shelf (OTS; t-Branch, p-Branch), Zenith Fenestrated (ZFen), and investigational custom-made devices (CMDs). Radiation doses to the surgeon, trainee, anesthesiologist, and scrub/circulating nurses were measured using a personal dosimetry system (DoseAware, Philips Healthcare, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Procedure type, patient body mass index (BMI), reference air kerma (RAK), and kerma area product (KAP) were recorded. RAK and KAP were corrected for BMI based on an exponential fit of fluoroscopy dose rate and the dose per radiographic frame. Operator dose was corrected for BMI by the ratio of corrected to actual KAP. A one-sided Wilcox rank-sum test was used to compare personnel radiation doses, RAKs, and KAPs between procedure types. Statistical significance was set at P # .05. Results: There were 80 FEVARs performed by a single surgeon on a Philips Allura XperFD20 fluoroscopy system equipped with Clarity technology. Average BMI was 27 kg/m 2. Sixty CMDs (36 four-, 21 three-, and 3 two-vessel fenestrations), 11 ZFens (8 three-and 3 two-vessel fenestrations), and 9 OTS devices (4 p-Branch, 5 t-Branch) were included. ZFens had significantly lower patient (1800 mGy vs 2950 mGy; P ¼ .004), operator (120 mSv vs 370 mSv; P ¼ .004), assistant (60 mSv vs 210 mSv; P ¼ .003), circulator (10 mSv vs 30 mSv; P ¼ .049), and scrub nurse dose (10 mSv vs 40 mSv; P ¼ .02) compared with CMDs. OTS devices had significantly lower operator (220 mSv vs 370 mSv; P ¼ .04), assistant (110 mSv vs 210 mSv; P ¼ .02), and circulator doses (4 mSv vs 30 mSv; P ¼ .001) compared with CMDs. Four-vessel fenestrated devices had significantly higher patient dose (3020 mGy) compared with three-vessel FEVARs (2670 mGy; P ¼ .03) and two-vessel FEVARs (1600 mGy; P ¼ .0007), and significantly higher operator dose (440 mSv) compared with three-vessel FEVARs (170 mSv; P ¼ .0005). Patient dose was lowest with ZFens. Operating room personnel dose was lower with ZFens and OTS devices compared with CMDs. Fourvessel fenestrations required significantly more radiation compared with those involving three-vessel fenestrations; however, the dose increase was only 12% and should not preclude operators from extending coverage, if anatomically required. Conclusions: Overall, patient and personnel radiation doses during FEVAR with all devices were within acceptable limits and lower in our series than previously reported.