Moya-Elizondo, E. A., Jacobsen, B. J., Hogg, A. C, and Dyer, A. T. 2011. Population dynamics between Fusarium pseudograminearmn and Bipolaris sorokiniana in wheat stems using real-time qPCR. Plant Dis. 95:1089-1098.Fu.sarium pseudogratninearum and Bipolaris sorokiniana are causal agents of Fusadum crown rot and common root rot, respectively, of wheat and cause significant losses worldwide. Understanding the population dynatTiics between these two pathogens at late stages of wheat development is needed. The effect of F. pseudograminearum and ß. sorokiniana inocula applied singly or in mixtures at seeding to spring wheat 'Hank" was measured using seedling stand, grain yield, and pathogen populations in the first internode at heading, milk, and harvest stage of wheat development using real-titiie quantitative polymerase chain reaction. High and low rates of F. pseudogratninearum inoculum reduced B. sotokiniana populations in fteld trials hut B.sorokiniana inoculations did not affect F. pseudograminearutn populations. Populations of both pathogens increased from heading until harvest, with F pseudograminearum colonizing lower intemodes earlier than B. sorokiniana. Neither pathogen prevented infection by the other in the first internode of wheat stems. Inoculations increased incidence of infection and co-infection relative to natural settings observed for both pathogens. At the seedling stage, both fungi, individually or combined, reduced the seedling stands when cotiipared with a noninoculated control for the three location-years. Grain yield and F pseudogratninearum populations were inversely correlated, while B. sorokiniana populations were not correlated with yield.