Results are reported of a study of neutral vector meson production in multihadronic Z 0 decays in the OPAL experiment at LEP. Pions and kaons have been identied by specic ionisation energy loss and K and K + K mass spectra have been tted, in bins of the scaled momentum variable x p , t o combinations of resonance signals and non-resonant backgrounds. Rates are given for K (892) 0 and (1020), and production cross sections are compared to the predictions of Monte Carlo models. Overall multiplicities have been determined as 0:76 0:07 0:06 K (892) 0 and 0:086 0:015 0:010 (1020) per hadronic Z 0 decay (the quoted errors are respectively statistical and systematic). Momentum dependent distortions of the mass spectra, possibly associated indirectly with Bose-Einstein eects, have prevented reliable measurement of the (770) 0 cross section in this study.