“…Similar to the above findings, despite the presence of varying levels of ICAM-1, DAF, and alpha 2 beta 1 on peripheral blood lymphocytes, they remain refractile to infection with CVA21 at multiplicity of infection 200 times greater than used to infect melanoma cells [4] and are also refractile to infection with EV1 [8]. The oncolytic capacity of CVA21 is minimally altered when PC3 cells were grown in two alternative mediums, KSFM or RMPI-1640 (data not shown), suggesting that the reduced susceptibility of the non-malignant line RWPE-1 to all three enteroviruses was not the result of reduced viral capacity in an alternative serum-free medium, known to occur for other viruses [43,44]. As enteroviruses are considerably stable in extreme pH parameters [45], it is unlikely that alterations in environmental pH will affect the oncolytic capacity of the enteroviruses in vivo.…”