Gmm' G uu' Gxx auto-spectra of variables m(t), u(t), and x(t), respectively A method for determining transfer functions CD across turbofan engine components and from the en-Gmn, Gmp , Gnp cross-spectra between variables de-Ln gine to the far-field is developed. The method is noted by subscripts 4; based on the 3-signal coherence technique used previously to obtain far-field core noise levels. This G uv' G uw , Gvw cross-spectra between variables demethod eliminates the bias error in transfer funcnoted by subscripts tion measurements due to contamination of measured pressures by nonpropagating pressure fluctuations. Gxy, Gxz' G yz cross-spectra between variables de-Measured transfer functions from the engine to the noted by subscripts far-field, across the tailpipe, and across the turbine are presented for three turbofan engines. H true transfer function Hm estimated transfer function