The local structure within an 8-A radius around residue 45 of a recombinant F45W variant of human ubiquitin has been determined using 67 interproton distance restraints measured by two-dimensional proton NMR. Proton chemical shift evidence indicates that structural perturbations due to the F45W mutation are minimal and limited to the immediate vicinity of the site of mutation. Simulated annealing implemented with stochastic boundary molecular dynamics was applied to refine the structure of Trp 45 and 10 neighboring residues. The stochastic boundary method allowed the entire protein to be reassembled from the refined coordinates and the outlying unrefined coordinates with little distortion at the boundary. Refinement began with four low-energy indole ring orientations of F45W-substituted wild-type (WT) ubiquitin crystal coordinates. Distance restraints were derived from mostly long-range NOE cross peaks with 51 restraints involving the Trp 45 indole ring. Tandem refinements of 64 structures were done using either (1) upper and lower bounds derived from qualitative inspection of NOE crosspeak intensities or (2) quantitative analysis of cross-peak heights using the program MARDIGRAS. Though similar to those based on qualitative restraint, structures obtained using quantitative NOE analysis were superior in terms of precision and accuracy as measured by back-calculated sixth-root R factors. The six-membered portion of the indole ring is nearly coincident with the phenyl ring of the WT and the indole NH is exposed to solvent. Accommodation of the larger ring is accompanied by small perturbations in the backbone and a 120" rotation of the x ' dihedral angle of Leu 50.Keywords: molecular dynamics; nuclear Overhauser effect; protein structure; relaxation matrix; simulated annealing; site-directed mutagenesis Ubiquitin has become an important model protein for studies of protein-folding mechanisms using thermodynamic, kinetic, and structural approaches (Briggs & Roder, 1992;Cox et al., 1993;Khorasanizadeh et al., 1993;Wintrode et al., 1994). With only 76 residues and a monomeric globular structure, ubiquitin is small enough to permit a detailed structural characterization of its folding process. A 1.8-A resolution crystal structure of ubiquitin has been reported (Vijay-Kumar et al., 1987) and proton NMR assignments have been independently determined by two groups (Di Stefano & Wand, 1987;Weber et al., 1987). The packing of three strands of a curved &sheet against an a-helix creates an extensive hydrophobic core ( Fig. 1; Kinemage 1). The presence of a simple, well-developed hydropho- bic core contributes to the remarkable stability (T,,, = 90 "C at pH 4.0) (Wintrode et al., 1994) of ubiquitin and offers the opportunity to investigate the effects of mutational alteration of packing on folding and stability.To facilitate equilibrium and kinetic folding studies, Khorasanizadeh et al. (1993) introduced a fluorescence probe, using cassette mutagenesis, to replace the mostly buried Phe 45 residue with a tryptophan. The...