Radon gas is the widest and primary origin of radiation exposure due to natural radiation sources. Radon and its short-term decay products may adhere to small particles in the air and inhalation of these particles cause an increase in lung cancer risk by irradiating lung tissues by alpha radiation. Radon can reach living spaces by diffusion in air or dissolving in water and also it is well known that radon readily soluble in water and the solubility of radon increases quickly while the temperature of the water is decreasing. For this reason, investigation of radon activity concentration levels in drinking water, groundwater and geothermal waters is necessary to avoid exposure to radiation due to water use. In this study, dissolved radon concentrations in geothermal water samples and the indoor radon levels during the treatment in thermal bath facilities, were measured by using AlphaGUARD PQ2000Pro. The indoor measurements were performed at three facilities which contain bathrooms using geothermal waters in September 2019. Radon levels in the geothermal waters of the region were determined by collecting water samples from nine locations in the geothermal fields in the Büyük Menderes Graben. The annual effective doses received by residents and visitors due to indoor radon concentrations between 753-186 Bq/m 3 was calculated.