Abstract-In the present studies, the influence of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition with aminoguanidine on renal function and blood pressure was examined in rats. Intravenous aminoguanidine infusion (60 mg ⅐ kg Ϫ1 ⅐ hr
Ϫ1) for 40 minutes to anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats (nϭ7) resulted in no significant changes in mean arterial pressure or renal cortical blood flow, while medullary blood flow was slightly increased. Despite minimal effects on renal blood flow, urine flow was significantly decreased from 14.2Ϯ2.7 to 10.4Ϯ2.3 L ⅐ min Ϫ1 ⅐ g kidney wt Ϫ1 during aminoguanidine infusion. To examine the possible effects of inducible NOS on blood pressure, aminoguanidine (10 mg ⅐ kg Ϫ1 ⅐ h Ϫ1 IV) was infused chronically into uninephrectomized rats maintained on a high salt (4.0% NaCl) diet. Mean arterial pressure significantly increased from 104Ϯ2 to 118Ϯ3 mm Hg after 6 days of aminoguanidine infusion (nϭ7) and returned to levels not different from those in the control group after 2 days of postcontrol infusion. Calcium-independent NOS activity in the renal medulla, a tissue that expresses inducible NOS in normal rats, was significantly decreased by 49% in the aminoguanidine-infused group (nϭ6) compared with that activity in the vehicle-infused control animals (nϭ6). In contrast, calcium-dependent NOS activity in the renal medulla was not significantly altered by aminoguanidine infusion, indicating specificity of aminoguanidine for inducible NOS in these experiments. In a final group of rats (nϭ5), oral L-arginine administration in drinking water (2% wt/vol) increased plasma arginine levels from 118Ϯ5 to 232Ϯ16 mol/L and blocked the increase in arterial pressure after 6 days of aminoguanidine infusion. The present experiments provide evidence supporting a role for inducible NOS in the control of arterial pressure, possibly by renal tubular effects. 6-7 Because nNOS, iNOS, and eNOS are all present in the normal rat kidney, 8 -14 it is not clear which NOS isoform(s) is/are responsible for these functional effects. Of interest is the presence of iNOS in the normal rat kidney. In situ hybridization and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of microdissected vascular and tubular segments have identified iNOS mRNA in arcuate and interlobular arteries, glomeruli, proximal tubules, thick ascending limbs, and collecting ducts. 8,11 The greatest amount of iNOS message was observed in the medullary thick ascending limbs and the inner medullary collecting ducts 11 ; this observation is consistent with protein blotting experiments that demonstrate greater amounts of iNOS immunoreactive protein in renal medullary than in renal cortical tissue homogenates.10 Despite the morphological localization of iNOS in the kidney, the role of this isoform in the control of normal renal function is unclear.Several indirect studies suggest that iNOS may participate in the regulation of renal function and arterial pressure. The genetic locus containing the gene for iNOS cosegregated with the high blood pressure phenotype...