We show that effect of light-induced focusing of the low-frequency Raman scattering components and defocusing of the high-frequency components in the field of a gaussian exciting beam lead to a slight shift of the enhanced Raman line relative to the center of the spontaneous Raman line on the low-frequency side. We propose and provide a rationale for an efficient algorithm for calculating the average power for enhanced Raman scattering, based on numerical solution of the wave equation for the field of the Stokes beam developing from spontaneous Raman scattering.Introduction. Raman spectroscopy methods are widely used today for obtaining information about the composition, structure, and other properties of molecules and supramolecular formations [1]. In this case, very often relatively high-power focused laser beams are used for excitation of Raman scattering. Under such conditions, significant enhancement of Raman scattering may occur due to development of the process of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), and the parameters of the scattered radiation and their relationship to the parameters of the studied medium and the exciting beam may be considerably different from the case of purely spontaneous Raman scattering.Spontaneous Raman scattering power, as we know, is proportional to the power of the exciting beam and the thickness of the scattering medium; when excited by a spectrally narrow beam, its spectral composition is completely determined by the parameters of the medium. Development of the enhancement process especially leads to breakdown of the linear relationship between the scattered beam power and the exciting beam power. Narrowing of the spectral composition of the scattered radiation also occurs, which can be easily explained by the greater enhancement of the central spectral components of the spontaneous Raman scattering compared with the components of the wings of the scattering line [2,3]. Additionally, in the cases when Raman scattering is excited by a focused light beam, light-induced focusing or defocusing of the scattered radiation in the nonuniform field of the excitation beam may occur. This especially involves "gain focusing" [4]: compression of the scattered beam due to its higher gain near the axis of the focused exciting beam compared with the gain in the peripheral region, and also light-induced focusing of low-frequency scattering components and defocusing of high-frequency components of the beam of scattered radiation, due to the contribution of the real part of the SRS susceptibility of the medium to the refractive index.The above-indicated focusing and defocusing effects depend on frequency. Consequently, they have an effect on both the power characteristics and the spectral characteristics of the scattered radiation. This paper is devoted to study of this effect for excitation of Raman scattering by a gaussian beam under conditions when its attenuation does not occur. We have obtained relatively simple relations allowing us with sufficient accuracy to calculate the power and the spe...