The discrimination between perfect-match and single-base-pair-mismatched nucleic acid duplexes was investigated by using oligonucleotide DNA microarrays and nonequilibrium dissociation rates (melting profiles). DNA and RNA versions of two synthetic targets corresponding to the 16S rRNA sequences of Staphylococcus epidermidis (38 nucleotides) and Nitrosomonas eutropha (39 nucleotides) were hybridized to perfectmatch probes (18-mer and 19-mer) and to a set of probes having all possible single-base-pair mismatches. The melting profiles of all probe-target duplexes were determined in parallel by using an imposed temperature step gradient. We derived an optimum wash temperature for each probe and target by using a simple formula to calculate a discrimination index for each temperature of the step gradient. This optimum corresponded to the output of an independent analysis using a customized neural network program. These results together provide an experimental and analytical framework for optimizing mismatch discrimination among all probes on a DNA microarray.DNA microarray technology provides parallel nucleic acid hybridizations for a large number of immobilized oligonucleotides or larger DNA fragments on a small surface area (21). In clinical and environmental microbiology, this technology has been used for assessing gene expression (19), characterizing whole genomes (5), identifying bacteria (8, 10, 28), and monitoring microbial populations (12,22). We anticipate that, in the next several years, the application of DNA microarrays to environmental microbiology will greatly improve the understanding of complex microbial communities, which are typically composed of many microbial species.In general, oligonucleotide DNA microarrays containing 15-to 25-mer oligonucleotide probes provide greater discrimination than microarrays composed of larger PCR-amplified DNA fragments. However, a central challenge to the application of DNA microarrays in environmental microbiology is achieving the specificity needed to resolve complex microbial populations, including discriminating between target and nontarget populations that differ by a single nucleotide (10). This level of specificity is needed to resolve variants of highly conserved genes (e.g., those encoding the rRNAs) and to distinguish between closely related target and nontarget microorganisms.In conventional hybridization assays, single-base-pair discrimination is achieved by adjusting the hybridization conditions (e.g., temperature, ionic strength, or formamide concentration) or washing conditions (dissociation) of the probe-target duplex (31). In DNA microarray assays, however, this approach is difficult to use since one set of hybridization and wash conditions does not provide optimal target discrimination for all probes on the microarray. We therefore have developed an alternative approach that uses differences in thermal dissociation rates of probe-target duplexes to resolve matched and mismatched probe-target duplexes (13,25).The oligonucleotide DNA microarray used ...