-O b j e c t i v e :To investigate the pattern of perfusion abnormalities in ictal and interictal brain perfusion SPECT images (BSI) from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Method: It was acquired interictal and ictal BSI from 24 patients with re f r a c t o ryTLE. BSIs were analyzed by visual inspection and statistical parametric mapping (SPM2). Statistical analysis compared the patients group to a control gro u p of 50 volunteers. The images from patients with left-TLE were left-right flipped. Results: It was not obs e rved significant perfusional diff e rences in interictal scans with SPM. Ictal BSI in SPM analysis revealed hyp e r p e rfusion within ipsilateral temporal lobe (epileptogenic focus) and also contralateral parieto-occipital region, ipsilateral posterior cingulate gyrus, occipital lobes and ipsilateral basal ganglia. Ictal BSI also showed areas of hypoperf u s i o n . Conclusion: In a group analysis of ictal BSI of patients with TLE, voxelwise analysis detects a network of distant regions of perfusional alteration which may play active role in seizure genesis and propagation.KEY WORDS: brain perfusion, SPECT, SPM, seizures, epilepsy.Análise estatística baseada em voxel do SPECT ictal revela um padrão de alteração perf u s i o n a l em pacientes com epilepsia de lobo temporal RESUMO -Objetivo: Investigar o padrão de anormalidades perfusionais no SPECT de perfusão cere b r a l (SPC) ictal e interictal na epilepsia de lobo temporal (ELT ) . Método: Foram realizados SPCs ictal e interictal de 24 pacientes com ELT que foram analisados visualmente e com o statistical parametric mapping (SPM2). A análise estatística comparou o grupo de pacientes versus um grupo controle de 50 voluntários. Resultados: Na análise do SPM não foram observadas diferenças significativas no grupo de SPC interictal. No grupo de SPC ictal o SPM revelou hiperperfusão no lobo temporal ipsilateral (foco epileptogênico) e também na região parieto-occipital contralateral, porção posterior do cíngulo ipsilateral, lobos occipitais e núcleos da base ipsilateral. O SPC ictal também mostrou áreas de hipoperf u s ã o . Conclusão: Em uma análise de grupo do SPC ictal de pacientes com ELT, a análise baseada em voxel detecta uma rede de alteração perfusional em regiões distantes que pode ter uma função ativa na origem e propagação das crises. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Perfusão cerebral, SPECT, SPM, crises epilépticas, epilepsia.Epilepsy affects 0.5 to 1% of the world populat i o n 1 . Anti-epileptic drugs successfully control seiz u res in most patients with epilepsy. Surgical tre a tment of epilepsy is a therapeutic option for those patients who do not achieve a seizure -f ree status with medication and have a focal brain lesion accounting for the origin of seizures. Medial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is both the most fre q u e n t f o rmof epilepsy as well as the form that accounts for the majority of epilepsy patients submitted to s u rg e ry, which is perf o rmed by hippocampal removal. Histological analysis of the specimen re s ...