Abstract:The current study aims to verify the best method for a rapid and efficient extraction of flavonoids from Alpinia zerumbet. Dried leaves were extracted using distillated water and ethanol 70% by extraction methods of shaking maceration, ultrasonic, microwave and stirring. By the application of TLC and reversedphase HPLC techniques the rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide were detected. Ethanol 70% was more efficient for flavonoids extraction than water. No significant yielding variation was verified for ultrasonic, microwave and stirring methods using ethanol 70% (11 to 14%). The relative concentration of rutin and kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide, respectively, was higher by ultrasonic (1.5 and 5.62 mg g -1 dried leaves, respectively) and by microwave (1.0 and 6.64 mg g -1 dried leaves) methods using ethanol. Rapid and simplified extraction proceeding optimize phytochemical work and acquisition of secondary metabolites.Keywords: high performance liquid chromatography; maceration; microwave; ultrasonic; Zingiberaceae.Rio de Janeiro. Voucher specimen was identified and deposited in the Herbarium of Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, accession number RB 433485.All chemicals used in analysis as methanol and phosphoric acid were of HPLC grades and were purchased from Merck. MilliQ water was utilized to HPLC mobile phase and sample preparation. Kaempferol-3-O-glucuronide was isolated from Alpinia zerumbet and identified by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) [3]. Rutin was purchased from Merck.
Preparation of extractsLeaves of A. zerumbet were collected from adult plants, in the morning, then plant material was dried for 3 days in stove (60 o C) and macerated in 70% ethanol or distillated water, in the same proportion of 1 g dried leaves/20 mL solvent (10% w/v).It was evaluated four extraction methods from dried leaves: maceration in shaker at 100 rpm, ultrasonic bath (40 kHz, Thornton Unique, model 1400 USC), microwave (PANASONIC -Auto Sensor Diet, full power) and stirring (Table 1). In the microwave extraction, the suspensions were irradiated under microwaves in pre-setting procedures (3 s power on, 60 s off) for three times to the desired temperature about 60 and 70 o C. The temperature was measured after turn off the microwave using a thermometer into extracts in Becker. For the ultrasonic extraction, the 30 mL flask containing 1 g of dried leaves plus 20 mL of one of extracting solvents was partially immersed into the ultrasonic bath and temperature was controlled.Preliminary results obtained by different extraction time 15 and 30 min for ultrasonic and 1 and 2 days for maceration techniques did not indicate significant differences in relation to extraction time presented in this study.Crude extracts were filtered in vacuum using Whattman ® filter (110 mm ø, 1). Aqueous extracts were frozen, then liophylizated and the hydroalcoholic extracts were evaporated to dry under reduced pressure at 60 o C. The dried weight was measured. The yielding was defined as follows: (crude extract weight/plant material weight) x 100....