This paper introduces the novel concept of dielectric fluid transducer (DFT), which is an electrostatic variable capacitance transducer made by compliant electrodes, solid dielectrics and a dielectric fluid with variable volume and/or shape. The DFT can be employed in actuator mode and generator mode. In this work, DFTs are studied as electromechanical generators able to convert oscillating mechanical energy into direct current electricity. Beside illustrating the working principle of dielectric fluid generators (DFGs), we introduce different architectural implementations and provide considerations on limitations and best practices for their design. Additionally, the proposed concept is demonstrated in a preliminary experimental test campaign conducted on a first DFG prototype. During experimental tests a maximum energy per cycle of
and maximum power of
has been converted, with a conversion efficiency up to 30%. These figures correspond to converted energy densities of
with respect to the displaced dielectric fluid and
with respect to the mass of the solid dielectric. This promising performance can be largely improved through the optimization of device topology and dimensions, as well as by the adoption of more performing conductive and dielectric materials.