Objective: To review and evaluate the literature reporting results of prophylactic surgical procedures for Hansen ' s type I intervertebral disc disease. Study design: Systematic literature review. Methods: Online bibliographic searches of abstracts through PubMed and the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) were performed using the searchable term " canine intervertebral disc disease and recurrence " . The resources were evaluated in regard to the ability of the retrieved references to directly address the clinical question as follows: which prophylactic technique when considered with or without surgery will consistently reduce or eliminate the recurrence of clinical signs associated with Hansen ' s type I intervertebral disc disease. All studies were compared and evaluated with regard to study design, technique utilized, short and long-term outcome, and evidence classifi cation. Results: An online bibliographical search was performed in PubMed using the full search term of " canine intervertebral disc disease and recurrence " resulted in 20 total sources, and of those sources 13 contained information pertaining to the clinical question. The same search term when used in the VIN search engine under the classifi cation of journal abstracts resulted in 43 total results with 18 applicable resources. In review of both searches, 13 resources were listed in both searches. Of the 18 obtained by the VIN search 14 were available in the English language. No resources were included in class I level of evidence, and only one was considered as class II level of evidence. As for the remaining studies, three results were classifi ed as class III studies, and the remaining reports were classifi ed as class IV level of evidence.
Conclusion:Although direct extrapolation of the evidence provided by the search to the clinical scenario is not possible, this review will hopefully provide the basis for development of a randomized controlled study to provide for a clear need in evidence for prevention of intervertebral disc extrusion in dogs.Keywords: evidence-based medicine (EBM); intervertebral disc disease; percutaneous laser disc ablation (PLDA); recurrence; fenestration; hemilaminectomy; dog; spinal cord.
ZusammenfassungZielsetzung: Review und Auswertung der Literatur zum Thema " Prophylaktische chirurgische Verfahren zur Behandlung von Bandscheibenvorf ä llen vom Hansen-Typ-I beim Hund " . Studiendesign: Systematisches Literaturreview. Methoden: Online-Literaturrecherche in PubMed und im Veterinary Information Network (VIN) unter Eingabe der Suchbegriffe " Bandscheibenerkrankung beim Hund " und " R ü ckfall " . Die gefundenen Literaturquellen wurden im Hinblick auf die Beantwortung folgender Frage ausgewertet: " Welche prophylaktischen Verfahren (chirurgisch oder nichtchirurgisch) reduzieren oder verhindern das R ü ckfallrisiko bei Bandscheibenvorf ä llen vom Hansen-Typ-I beim Hund ? " Alle publizierten Studien wurden hinsichtlich ihres Studiendesigns, der verwendeten Technik, der erzielten Kurzund Langzeitergebnisse der...