The construction of a new detector is proposed to extend the capabilities of ALICE in the high transverse momentum (pT) region. This Very High Momentum Particle Identification Detector (VHMPID) performs charged hadron identification on a track-by-track basis in the 5 GeV/c < p < 25 GeV/c momentum range and provides ALICE with new opportunities to study parton-medium interactions at LHC arXiv:1309.5880v2 [nucl-ex] 24 Sep 2013 2 T. V. Acconcia et al.: A Very High Momentum Particle Identification Detector energies. The VHMPID covers up to 30% of the ALICE central barrel and presents sufficient acceptance for triggered-and tagged-jet studies, allowing for the first time identified charged hadron measurements in jets. This Letter of Intent summarizes the physics motivations for such a detector as well as its layout and integration into ALICE. PACS. 29.40.Ka Cherenkov detectors -25.75.-q Relativistic heavy-ion collisions ./