Although previous pharmacological and biochemical data support the notion that muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) form homo-and heterodimers, the existence of mAChR oligomers in live cells is still a matter of controversy. Here we used bioluminescence resonance energy transfer to demonstrate that M 1 , M 2 , and M 3 mAChR can form constitutive homo-and heterodimers in living HEK 293 cells. Quantitative bioluminescence resonance energy transfer analysis has revealed that the cell receptor population in cells expressing a single subtype of M 1 , M 2 , or M 3 mAChR is predominantly composed of high affinity homodimers. Saturation curve analysis of cells expressing two receptor subtypes demonstrates the existence of high affinity M 1 /M 2 , M 2 /M 3 , and M 1 /M 3 mAChR heterodimers, although the relative affinity values were slightly lower than those for mAChR homodimers. Short term agonist treatment did not modify the oligomeric status of homo-and heterodimers. When expressed in JEG-3 cells, the M 2 receptor exhibits much higher susceptibility than the M 3 receptor to agonistinduced down-regulation. Coexpression of M 3 mAChR with increasing amounts of the M 2 subtype in JEG-3 cells resulted in an increased agonist-induced down-regulation of M 3 , suggesting a novel role of heterodimerization in the mechanism of mAChR long term regulation.Over the last decade, many studies have shown broad evidence that G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) 3 interact with one another to form constitutive homo-or hetero-oligomers. GPCR dimerization has been implicated in many aspects of receptor pharmacology, such as maturation, ligand binding, activation, signaling, desensitization, endocytosis, and trafficking (1-3). In the early 1990s, several studies showed that muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR), like other GPCR, might be arranged in dimeric or oligomeric complexes. Complex binding curves for both muscarinic agonists and antagonists were interpreted as evidence for the existence of multiple states of affinity, which is consistent with the notion of binding sites located on dimeric receptor molecules (4, 5). More recent studies on mAChR have shown that such heterogeneity of affinity should rather be attributed to nucleotide-sensitive cooperative effects between interacting sites (6, 7). Because there seems to be one binding site per receptor molecule, cooperativity suggests that mAChR are actually oligomers formed by two or more interacting sites (6).Additional pharmacological evidence that mAChR can form dimers was provided by Maggio et al. (8), who used chimeric ␣ 2 -adrenergic/M 3 muscarinic receptors composed of the first five transmembrane domains (TMD) of one receptor and the last two TMD of the other. No binding or signaling was detected when either fusion protein was expressed alone, but coexpression of both chimeras rescued binding activity and signaling properties of both adrenergic and muscarinic ligands. These results were interpreted as intermolecular interactions between two inactive receptors now eng...