— Quail farming ranks 3rd at the national level for poultry production and has growth projections of 3.9% in the coming years. In Peru, due to the decreases in temperature and cold in the southern part of the country, it presents a significant problem to the development of quail farms, of which its primary derivative is the egg that provides food contributions to the population and only with the 18.1% cholesterol compared to the eggs of other birds. This study aims to develop an automatic farm system to increase the production in the laying stage of quails in the homes of Arequipa. The control system was developed with the Arduino Nano platform, DHT11, LM35 sensors, actuators such as a 25W bulb, a fan, and a humidifier, which allow continuous temperature and humidity control. In addition, all the variables can be visualized through an LCD screen. A simple 3D model was developed with a capacity of between 10 and 25 quails. In charge of the control processes, the Arduino module reached an error rate of 0.9% in the temperature variable, and the humidity variable does not present an error rate. The total power of the prototype was measured and converted into a monetary value. Average power of 0.02667 kW / hour was obtained, which is reflected in a saving of 82.22% compared to using a 100W bulb. Keywords— Poultry production, farm quail, quail egg, automation, Arduino.