Pistol ribozymes constitute anew class of small selfcleaving RNAs.Crystal structures have been solved, providing three-dimensional snapshots along the reaction coordinate of pistol phosphodiester cleavage,c orresponding to the precatalytic state,avanadate mimic of the transition state,a nd the product. The results led to the proposed underlying chemical mechanism. Importantly,ahydrated Mg 2+ ion remains innersphere-coordinated to N7 of G33 in all three states,a nd is consistent with its likely role as acid in general acid base catalysis (d and b catalysis). Strikingly,t he new structures shed light on as econd hydrated Mg 2+ ion that approaches the scissile phosphate from its binding site in the pre-cleavage state to reacho ut for water-mediated hydrogen bonding in the cyclophosphate product. The major role of the second Mg 2+ ion appears to be the stabilization of product conformation. This study delivers amechanistic understanding of ribozyme-catalyzed backbone cleavage.