Background: In a previous study, the validation of rat bone marrow (BM) collection, processing, and analysis using the Sysmex XT-2000iV (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) hematology analyzer showed that the Sysmex hematology analyzer produced BM differential counts that were comparable to those obtained with microscopic differential counts.Objective: This study was conducted to expand the validation of the Sysmex TNCC (total nucleated cell count) and 5-part BM differential in cynomolgus monkeys, Beagle dogs, and CD-1 mice, which are alternate species that are also frequently used in preclinical safety studies.
Methods:The Sysmex 5-part BM differential counts were generated with a twostep process, whereby proliferating and maturing erythroid and myeloid cells were determined by preset gating and lymphocytes were determined using species-specific B-and T-lymphocyte antibodies and a magnetic cell-sorting method (MACS).Agreement with microscopic myelograms with 500-cell differential counts was determined from BM suspensions of 62 cynomolgus monkeys, 47 Beagle dogs, and 44 CD-1 mice.
Results:The correlation coefficients between methods for myeloid to erythroid (M: E) ratios in all three species was > 0.928. The Bland-Altman differences between methods were approximately ± 0.3 units for the M:E ratio in dogs and mice, and +0.6 and −0.4 in monkeys. The upper limits of agreement for all three species were ≤7% for maturing myeloid cells, ≤6% for maturing erythroid cells, and ≤4% for proliferating myeloid cells, proliferating erythroid cells, and lymphocytes.
Conclusions:The Sysmex XT-2000iV produces an automated M:E ratio and a 5-part differential count equivalent to microscopic differential counts in cynomolgus monkeys, Beagle dogs, and CD-1 mice.
K E Y W O R D Sbone marrow, cytology, hematology, hematotoxicity, laboratory animals, preclinical safety