INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate intubation performance by paramedics using Macintosh laryngoscope and VieScope ® laryngoscope under simulated difficult airway conditions. METHODS: In a randomized, single-blinded, cross-over simulation trial, 42 paramedics performed endotracheal intubation using VieScope ® and Macintosh (MAC) laryngoscopes in two difficult airway scenarios: (A) tongue edema, (B) manual cervical inline stabilization. The order of participants and intubation methods was random. Time to ventilation constituted the primary outcome, and the secondary outcomes were the success rate of first intubation attempt, overall intubation success rate, Cormack and Lehane grade, and ease of use. RESULTS: In scenario A, the median overall intubation time was 55s (46-109) in the MAC group and 30.5s (26-35) in the VieScope ® group (p < 0.001). The efficacy of the first intubation attempt with MAC and VieScope ® varied and amounted to 64.3% vs. 95.2% (p < 0.001). During scenario B, VieScope ® offered better intubation conditions than MAC (p < 0.001), including shorter intubation time, higher first attempt and overall intubation success rates, as well as better glottic view. CONCLUSIONS: In this simulation trial, we found that VieScope ® could be successfully used for intubation in difficult airways by paramedics with little simulation experience with this device. VieScope ® was associated with shorter time and higher success rates of intubation attempt compared with MAC. Nevertheless, we recommend that the performance of VieScope ® and MAC should be further evaluated in the clinical setting to confirm our results.