In the business model of cloud computing, a relationship between service providers and customers is created. Nowadays, a lot of technology-based services are not installed or run on local machines. Instead, they are operated on distant servers or the "cloud," and the results are made available to its users as a premium service. The price of cloud services is typically stated in the service level agreement (SLA) and is determined based on the amount and quality of service (SLA). In terms of choosing on-demand services on a subscription basis, cloud service selection is essential. Since there are numerous cloud services with comparable functions available, it is essential to identify which one best meets the needs and goals of the customer. The identification and selection of hosted Web services are evolving into a highly challenging undertaking as a result of the exponential development in their number. In fact, a lot of services with related functions might be taken into account while responding to user requests. To address this problem, quality of service (QoS) standards that describe the nonfunctional aspects of web services are taken into account in addition to promoting the best services. In this study, WASPAS is utilized to analyze the selection criteria while using MCDM approaches to choose web services. The Quote of the Day, Xignite Quotes, Stock Quotes, Real Time Quotes, Delayed Stock Quotes, and Historical Stock Quotes are available as alternative parameters here. Response time, throughput, dependability, and portability are the evaluation criteria. As a result of the analysis, the quote of the day is ranked first, followed by Xignite Quotes in fourth place, Stock Quotes in second place, Real-Time Quotes in third place, Delayed Stock Quotes in sixth place, and Historical Stock Quotes values in fifth place. According to the result, Stock Quotes, Real Time Quotes, and Xignite Quotes are the leading services.