Formwork materials and worker payments are one of the main expenditures in reinforced-concrete structures. Formwork engineering is thus one main factor impacting project success. In current practice, formwork construction including non-value-adding activities results rework and inventory waste. The aim of the paper is to adopt the lean manufacturing ideas to reduce unnecessary waste in the formwork engineering. A lean formwork construction model is developed to achieve this goal. In the lean formwork construction model, an on-site quality control culture is established by using Andon. Using the Andon system, form workers could receive support right away when problem occurs. Moreover, using Andon, operations in formwork engineering are pulled using the Kanban system to lower mold inventory level and create a continuous formwork construction flow. To validate the feasibility of the lean formwork model, a real case is tested. Experimental data demonstrate the developed method could banish unnecessary worker-hours in the formwork's operational flow and enhance formwork's value.
KEYWORDSFormwork, lean manufacturing, kanban, andon.