In HIV-infected drinkers, alcohol types more likely to cause
inflammation could plausibly increase the risk of HIV disease progression.
We therefore assessed the association between alcohol type and plasma HIV
RNA level (HIV viral load) among HIV-infected drinkers not on antiretroviral
therapy (ART) in Russia and Uganda.
We analyzed the data of participants from cohorts in Russia and
Uganda and assessed their HIV viral load at enrollment by the alcohol type
predominantly consumed. We defined predominant alcohol type as the alcohol
type contributing >50% of total alcohol consumption in the 1
month (Russia) or 3 months (Uganda) prior to enrollment. Using multiple
linear regression, we compared log10 HIV viral load by
predominant alcohol type, controlling for age, gender, socioeconomic status,
total number of standard drinks, frequency of drinking ≥6
drinks/occasion, and in Russia, history of injection drug use.
Most participants (99.2% of 261 in Russia and 98.9%
of 352 in Uganda) predominantly drank one alcohol type. In Russia, we did
not find evidence for differences in viral load levels between drinkers of
fortified wine (n=5) or hard liquor (n=49), compared to
drinkers of beer/low-ethanol-content cocktails (n=163); however,
wine/high-ethanol-content cocktail drinkers (n=42) had higher mean
log10 viral load than beer/low-ethanol-content cocktail
drinkers (β=0.38, 95%CI: 0.07 to 0.69;
p=0.02). In Uganda, we did not find evidence for differences in
viral load levels between drinkers of locally-brewed beer (n=41),
commercially-distilled spirits (n=38), or locally-distilled spirits
(n=43), compared to drinkers of commercially-made beer
(n=218); however, wine drinkers (n=8) had lower mean
log10 HIV viral load (β=−0.65,
95% CI −1.36 to 0.07, p = 0.08), although this did
not reach statistical significance.
Among HIV-infected drinkers not yet on ART in Russia and Uganda, we
observed an association between the alcohol type predominantly consumed and
the HIV viral load level in the Russia sample. These exploratory results
suggest that, in addition to total number of drinks and drinking patterns,
alcohol type might be a dimension of alcohol use that merits examination in
studies of HIV and alcohol related outcomes.