Buruli ulcer is an emerging infectious disease caused by that has been reported from 33 countries. Antimicrobial agents either alone or in combination with surgery have been proved to be clinically relevant and therapeutic strategies have been deduced mainly from the empirical experience. The genome sequences of. strain AGY99, ecovar liflandii, and three strains were analyzed to predict resistance in these bacteria. Fourteen putative antibiotic resistance genes from different antibiotics classes were predicted in and mutation in G (R431G) andA (T47A, V125I) genes were detected, that confer resistance to isoniazid and pyrazinamide, respectively. No mutations were detected in ,A, B,L, ,, A, 23S ribosomal RNA genes and promoter region ofA and C genes associated with resistance. Our results reemphasize the usefulness of in silico analysis for the prediction of antibiotic resistance in fastidious bacteria.