1Introduction Rotavirus (RV), an on-enveloped double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus of the Reoviridae family discovered in 1973 [1],i so ne of the majorv iral agent associated with infantile diarrhead isease.O bviously,R Vs of species A (RVA )a re recognized as an important cause of severe childhood gastroenteritis worldwide and accounts for 450,000d eaths per year [2,3].Rotaviruses are ubiquitous and globally responsible for an estimated 5% of all deaths in childreny ounger than 5 years of age,m ostly in developing and low-income countries [4].T hey are also considered as zoonotic emerging viruses,w hich can be transmitted among humans and many animal species [5,6].Routine diagnosisf or laboratory detection of rotavirus particles or antigens is oftenb ased on rapidd etection, generally by enzyme immunosorbent assay (EIA), latex agglutination assay [7,8],p olymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative RT-PCR( qRT-PCR) [1].Regardless of individual advantageso ft he most frequentlyu sed conventional methods,s ome limitations and drawbacks are known as laborious,t ime consuming, expensive, and are not amenable for on-site use.T hough, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay( ELISA) is thep referred sensing system for the revealing rotavirus antigen, it requires expensives pectrophotometric reader that involves chromogenic reagent, preceded by,c onsiderable incubation,w ashing and reaction steps.F urthermore,R T-PCR based assays involve high technological equipment demands,m ore expensivea nd technical expertise,a nd severalsample preparation steps [9][10][11].Rotaviruses are infectious in very low doses of 1p laque forming unit (PFU);t herefore even af ew viral particles in water can infect ap erson [12,13],h ence requiringh ighly sensitive methods for environmentalm onitoring. At present, there are no available commercialized biosensor devices for rotavirus recognition, thus,t he improvement of new diagnostic strategiess uch as biosensors, has ownedaunique place to combat the virus disease.Biosensors,particularly electrochemical immunosensorsb ased on high specificity in antigen/antibody recognition appear very promising for the determinationo fb iomolecules.T hey combinei mmunoassay and biosensor techniques by making ad irect correlation among the concentrationo fa ntigen and the electrochemical analytical signal [14,15].Obviously,e lectrochemical technique is ap romising alternative system and effective candidatef or rapid,o n-site and point-of-care analysis. Hence,i no rder to amplify the signal and improve sensitivity,d ifferent strategies have been focused on usingv arious nanostructures such as noble metal nanoparticles,c arbon nanotubes,p olymeric nanoparticles and graphene [16][17][18][19].Abstract:C urrently,r otaviruses (RVs) are the leading cause of severe childhoodg astroenteritis worldwide.T his study proposes as ensitive and simple label-free assayf or determiningr otaviruses using,f or the first time,e lectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Thei mmunosensor is fabricated by self-assembled monolayers (S...