acids R1R2P(S)OH constitute
an important class of organophosphorus compounds, in which the phosphorus
atom is intrinsically chiral if R1 ≠ R2. In connection with a project aimed at the preparation of chiral
thiophosphorus acids, various available literature methods were considered,
but few fit the requirement of odorless reagents. Herein, the results
of our studies on the synthesis of thiophosphinic acids are reported.
Ultimately, two major approaches were selected: (1) the Stec reaction
of phosphorus amides with carbon disulfide; and (2) the one-pot synthesis
of thiophosphorus acids from H-phosphinates, an organometallic
nucleophile, and quenching with elemental sulfur. An application to
the preparation of a potential chiral phosphorus organocatalyst is
also reported.