In the analysis of chemotype relationship among Korean Chrysanthemum species, the volatile compounds in the leaves of 15 taxa were analyzed and identified by gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis used for the grouping based on the volatile compounds. Fifteen taxa of Charysanthemum species were categorized into three groups. Groups I and II included higher ketones than Group III. Group I had five C. zawadskii subspecies: acutilobum, acutilobum var. tenuisectum, acutilobum var. alpinum, lucidum, and coreanum. Five C. zawadskii subspecies were analyzed with main volatile compounds of D-limonene and m-thymol. Group II consisted of four C. zawadskii subspecies including naktongense, yezoense, latilobum, and latilobum var. leiophyllum, and one species C. makinoi. They consisted of main compounds of linalool, cischrysanthenol, eugenol, and chrysanthenone. Group III included five C. indicum species and related species: C. indicum, var. albescens, var. acuta, C. boreale, and C. lineare. The present study was able to classify volatile compounds of Korean Chrysanthemum species attributable to major compounds, such as hydrocarbons (sabinene, cymene, β-selinene), alcohols (1-octen-3-ol, cischrysanthenol, hinesol), ketones (chrysanthenone, camphor), and esters (cis-sabiene hydrate, trans-chrysanthenyl acetate).