Abstract-The internet has grown in leaps and bounds and hence all the data is now available online; be it shopping, banking, private and public institutes or universities, private public sectors are all making their presence felt online. The online data is just a click away thanks to ubiquitous systems today. The browser does not require any specific program set up hence easier for the end user. Earlier the data online was static used HTML now it's dynamic uses ASP, ASP.NET, Servlet, JSP and other operational tools therefore the internet operation is broken down into many categories. The problem arises with the customer while trying to buy something online. There are lots of online stores sometimes it's difficult to browse through all products to get a better deal. The pricing of products are different on different sites, this is the first gap at the customer end. The second problem arises at the provider end. The second gap here is to understand the customer need. How can the variation in prices be checked? ; The existing prices available on sites cannot be changed but the customer can be provided with options to select the best deal of the same product. For the first problem the paper deals with an API implementation wherein the information of at least some products is compared under one roof. How can the provider know the genuine customer? ; The second problem is resolved by the use of SVM. Last problem is in detecting if a customer visiting a site will actually buy the product being compared.The paper focuses on the selection of ASP.NET to deal with the implementation problems stated and find solution to the forecasting problem using SVM. SVM and C4.5 are used for comparison.