The corrections of the measurement of electron eapture ratios by the multi-wire counter ate calculated using accurate integrals and numerical methods of integration. The effeets of the correction on the experimental L/K and MIL ratios ate discussed.
IntroduetionMost of the precise L/K and MIL electron capture ratios were measured by the multi-wire proportional counter with gaseous sources [1]. The use of this counter greatly reduces the necessary corrections, and approximate corrections are applicable when the relaxation length ), of X-rays is mueh smaller than the counter diameter [2]. However, there are a few assumptions, which ha-ce never been checked by direct calculation of measurement. These ate the following.a) The radiation escaping from the central counter is replaced by the incoming radiation from the anticoincidence counters and the end of the counter, except fora small fraction, which also escapes the anticoincidenee counters.b) The limits of the use of approximate corrections. Besides, the results obtained by means of the multi-wire counter have a crucial importance for the theory, as they differ both from the usual theoretical capture ratios and from the ratios corrected for the electron exchange, calculated by BAHCALL [3--6].To solve this problem we gire, in this paper, the exact integrals for the calculation of the fractions of X-radiation, (i) whieh escapes the central counter, (ii) which escapes the central counter and is absorbed in the anticoincidence counters, (iii) and which enters the central counter and is absorbed in it. The fraction of radiation, which hits the cathode wires can be readily found from these integrals. Integral (i) can also be used to find the escape from a single-wire counter with gaseous source. * Dedicated to Prof. A. SZALAY on bis 60th birthday.