AIMTo evaluate the importance of Urodynamic assessment in postmenopausal women for confirmation of the type of Incontinence, which is valuable in guiding the management by conservative or surgical measures.
MATERIAL AND METHODSThis is a multicentric prospective study conducted from Nov 2010 -May 2012 on 88 postmenopausal women who presented with complaints of Urinary Incontinence at Outpatient dept. of Tertiary Teaching Hospital, Govt. Maternity Hospital, Petlaburz, Hyderabad and at Hyderabad Nursing Home, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad. Out of 88 patients who were recruited and evaluated, 26 patients responded to initial management and the remaining 62 patients were enrolled for Urodynamic study but 3 patients deferred and lost for follow up. UDS was conducted in these 59 patients, cystoscopy was optional and essential in 5 cases and hence it was performed in these cases.Methods and units of multichannel conventional UDS used in this study maintained the standards recommended by the international continence society. Filling, voiding cystometry and uroflowmetry was done.
RESULTSThe distribution of the patients in our study according to age, parity, BMI, Literacy and mode of delivery were analysed. The presence of precipitating factors (1 or more), associative with cystocele and history of prior surgeries were also recorded. In our study out of 59 patients, Detrusor underactivity (37.28%) were seen in maximum number of patients followed by mixed incontinence (25.42%) and OAB (18.64%). Clinical experience and the literature suggests that older women have decreased detrusor contractility, increase in OAB and mixed incontinence and decrease in pure stress symptoms. Our results support this statement. In our study UDS has completely changed the course of management in many cases and guided us to specific and appropriate treatment. Established voiding and continent centres have advised that these patients should thoroughly evaluated with UDS and their treatment should be individualized according to their symptoms with team approach.
CONCLUSIONUrodynamic study is gold standards in evaluation of urinary incontinence which guide us for specific management with better results. UDS provide enough information for treatment decision and prognosis in cases of UI. Research is critically needed to provide data that will allow better understanding of the unique nature of this urologic disease in these older postmenopausal women.
KEYWORDSUrinary Incontinence (UI), Urodynamic Study (UDS), Quality of Life (QOL), Overactive Bladder (OAB, Body Mass Index (BMI).