One of the cardinal symptoms of compartment syndrome is pain. A literature review was undertaken in order to assess the association of epidural analgesia and compartment syndrome in children, whether epidural analgesia delays the diagnosis, and to identify patients who might be at risk. Evidence was sought to offer recommendations in the use of epidural analgesia in patients at risk of developing compartment syndrome of the lower limb. Increasing analgesic use, increasing/breakthrough pain and pain remote to the surgical site were identified as important early warning signs of impending compartment syndrome in the lower limb of a child with a working epidural. The presence of any should trigger immediate examination of the painful site, and active management of the situation (we have proposed one clinical pathway). Avoidance of dense sensory or motor block and unnecessary sensory blockade of areas remote to the surgical site allows full assessment of the child and may prevent any delay in diagnosis of compartment syndrome. Focusing on excluding the diagnosis of compartment syndrome rather than failure of analgesic modality is vital. In the pediatric cases reviewed there was no clear evidence that the presence of an epidural had delayed the diagnosis.