The osmotic pressure of the cell sap of stalk storage parenchyma of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) increases by an order of magnitude during ontogeny to reach molar concentrations of sucrose at maturity. Stalk parenchyma cells must either experience very high turgor at maturation or have an ability to regulate turgor. We tested this hypothesis by using pressure probe techniques to quantify parameters of cell and tissue water relations of sugarcane storage parenchyma during ontogeny. The largest developmental change was in the volumetric elastic modulus, which increased from 6 bars in immature tissue to 43 bars in mature tissue. Turgor was maintained relatively low during sucrose accumulation by the partitioning of solutes between the cell and wall compartments. Membrane hydraulic conductivity decreased from about 12 x 10-7 centimeters per second per bar down to 4.4 x 10-7 centimeters per second per bar. The 2.7-fold decrease in membrane hydraulic conductivity during tissue maturation was accompanied by a 7.8-fold increase in wall elasticity. Integration of the cell wall and membrane properties appears to be by the opposing effects of turgor on hydraulic conductivity and elastic modulus. The changes in these properties during development of sugarcane stalk tissue may be a way for parenchyma cells to develop a capacity for expansive growth and still serve as a strong sink for storing high concentrations of sucrose.Storage parenchyma of sugarcane, beet, and certain fruits, such as grape, accumulate molar concentrations of sugars during maturation (10,17,25). This corresponds to osmotic pressures in excess of 20 bars, yet the few measurements that have been made in such tissues (14,25) indicate that turgor pressures are in the same range as nonstorage parenchyma with much lower osmotic pressures, i.e. in the range of 2 to 8 bars (7,11,16,17,23,24 12 months of age were excised, cut into 1 -m segments, enclosed in a plastic bag, and taken to the field laboratory where they were recut to obtain two experimental segments. The younger segment contained partially to fully expanded internodes numbered 3 to 8 counting down from the node subtending the youngest fully expanded leaf blade. The older segment contained internodes exhibiting near maximum sucrose content (internodes No. 13-18). The ends of each segment were dipped in molten paraffin to reduce moisture loss. The segments were then wrapped in a moist paper towel, sealed in a plastic bag, and shipped by air to Pennsylvania State University where experiments commenced within 60 h of harvest. Turgor and osmotic pressures of the 60-h material were similar to those of fresh tissue.Storage parenchyma tissue was excised from the central portion of internodes held within a humidified chamber or from internodes held on damp paper towels in the open laboratory. Typically, the central 3-to 4-cm length of a given internode was excised, then a sharp razor blade was used to remove the sclerified rind. The remaining core ofparenchyma was split into six or eight pie-sha...