nanoparticles (NPs) are organized into a variety
of assemblies in a polydisperse polyethylene melt by tailoring the
graft density and molecular weights of the graft chains. Under these
conditions, we systematically vary the NP assemble state and study
its consequences on crystal nucleation and growth rates. We find that
the nucleation rate is suppressed below that of the unfilled polymer
for good NP spatial dispersion. However, poorer dispersion, which
leads to the formation of NP assemblies, can accelerate nucleation
likely by providing multiple heterogeneous sites due to topographical
features. We find that a key parameter, the chain overcrowding in
the brush, can predict these nucleation trends; in this language,
the most enhanced nucleation rate is found when the grafts are the
most overcrowded and, hence, the least interpenetrated with the matrix
chains. This result is consistent with one other literature result
that utilized short crystallizable polyethylene glycol grafts in short
polyethylene oxide (PEO) matrices. The growth kinetics were retarded
for all nanocomposites, and their temperature dependences were essentially
equal to that for the pure polymer (in the absence of NPs); the NPs
thus do not affect secondary nucleation, indicating that the transport
of the matrix to the growth front is the rate-determining step. Thus,
evidently, the increase in matrix viscosity, or reduction in growth
rates, is directly determined by the agglomeration state of the NPs.
These results are consistent with past works with bare silica NPs
in PEO and with silica NPs grafted with amorphous chains in a PEO
matrix, suggesting that growth kinetics in these systems apparently
follow “universal” behavior. Additionally, there are
initial hints that the ratio of the effective surface area of the
NP clusters per unit matrix volume provides a unified description
of the NP-induced confinement that slows growth kinetics. Our work
thus shows that there is an evolving understanding of the role of
NPs in crystallization kinetics, in particular, crystal growth where
trends appear to be independent of the grafts’ ability to crystallize.