We present the principle and experimental demonstration of Time Resolved Quantum State Holography. The quantum state of an excited state interacting with an ultrashort chirped laser pulse is measured during this interaction. This has been obtained by manipulating coherent transients created by the interaction of femtosecond shaped pulses and rubidium atoms.PACS numbers: 32.80. Qk, 42.50Md, 82.53.Kp Quantum state measurement is a central issue of fundamental importance to quantum mechanics [1,2]. Since only probabilities can be predicted by quantum mechanics, the phase of a wave function seems at first sight to carry no information. However, relative phases between quantum states are crucial in many circumstances such as prediction of the free or driven evolution of the system, or the measurements of quantities (observables) related to the superposition of quantum states with different energies.Several examples of quantum phase measurements of states created by ultrashort pulses are based on interferences between an unknown wave function and a "reference" wave function. These wave functions are created by a sequence of two ultrashort pulses (an unknown pulse and a reference pulse). In quantum state holography, the quantum state created by the unknown pulse is deduced either by time-and frequency-integrated fluorescence measured as a function of the delay [3,4], or by measuring the population of each eigenstate for different values of the relative phases [5], or the amplitude of fluctuations when the delay is randomly fluctuating [6,7]. In fluorescence tomography, position probability distributions are measured as a function of time [8,9]. For instance, the dispersed fluorescence emitted by an oscillating nuclear wave packet in a diatomic molecule provides the position distribution through the Franck-Condon principle [8]. Alternatively the induced dipole can be obtained from heterodyne measurement [10]. More recently the internuclear quantum states of dissociating molecules have been elegantly measured by tomography using velocity map imaging [11].In all these examples, the quantum state is first prepared and then measured in a second step. In the work reported here, the quantum state is measured during the interaction with the unknown laser pulse. Its evolution is thus recorded in real time.When the matter-light interaction is in the linear regime, the final state populations can be entirely deduced from the power spectrum. This is for instance the case for a one-photon transition in the weak field regime. However, the phase of the wave function is sensitive to the various phases of the electric field. This can have important consequences for applications where a subsequent excitation is performed, in particular when coherent superpositions are involved.The transient evolution of excited state population is also strongly dependent on the details of the pulse shape. In particular, non-resonant contributions are as important as resonant ones. As an intuitive illustration of this statement, the transient response...