Exceptional cognitive aging, or superaging is a recent area of research. SuperAgers are defined as persons aged at least 80 years who have youthful episodic memory. Studies are scarce and very little is known about their lifestyle and leisure activities including their engagement in physical activity, which is otherwise known to be associated with better health. The project aims to identify associations between a lifelong physically active lifestyle, objective fitness and cognitive superaging in old-old women. COSACTIW is a cross-sectional ex-post-facto study. Herewith, we present its protocol. There were 225 women aged 80-96 years tested who reported that their engagement in physical activity between the ages of 30 to 60 years was at least on the level recommended for adults by the World Health Organization, i.e. at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week. Episodic memory was tested with Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, non-memory tests were Trail Making Test, Verbal fluencyanimals, and Boston Naming Test -30 item version. Several questionnaires were used to map previous and current leisure activities. Objective data were obtained with the Senior Fitness Test. We also present benchmark data from a previous Czech study of cognitively normal older persons, NANOK, to whom we will compare our sample. Specifically, we are going to use a subsample of 70 women, aged 80-94 years, who were selected from the NANOK sample using the same inclusion criteria as in COSACTIW. There were 23 (32.9%) SuperAgers among them. Our findings may offer insights into preventive strategies for successful aging and cognitive resilience.